Sunday, August 16, 2009

Witches and Babies and Other Fun Stuff (but still no Spike)

Yesterday was Nanaimo Pagan Pride day down at Kin Hut Park, hosted by The Temple of the Green Cauldron. I got there for the 7AM set up and didn't get home until almost 10PM. Long, wonderful day.
I went to a drumming workshop but realized half way through that having slammed my finger in a car door a few days earlier, banging said thumb on a tight piece of leather was not a good idea. I missed the Druid workshop because I was busy getting a veggie burger. There was lots of fabulous music, some belly dancing, great shopping (I bought a beautiful besom! and some other trinkets), and an hour-long Druid ritual. I wasn't really enjoying the Druid ritual (different energy from what I'm used to, not for me) but my mum showed up around that time so we hung out and looked at jewelery and crafts and chatted.
The thing I was most looking forward to was the Doula & Childbirth information session but it was canceled! I mentioned to my friend Roxie how disappointed I was and she said that the lady who was supposed to host it was there so I went and talked to her. I had thought that the only training I could do to become a Doula was at Douglas College in New West which was pretty expensive and totally not convenient to get to (3 hours travel each way including a ferry and the need to find accommodations in New West). Well....... fabulous news is that I can train through Childbirthing International!!! At home!!! For less money!!!!!! yeah!!!!! I am so excited. She also gave me some information on books to read and different websites and mummy/baby/blessingway goodies sellers. I decided when i was about 15 or 16 that I wanted to be a midwife but after a lot of considering, I realized I am more interested in the emotional and support aspect that the actual physical birth itself (although I'm of course interested in that too!). Then I learned about Doulas and it seemed as though a career/life/dream had been designed just for me. I am so excited I could explode.
Another great aspect of the day was making a new friend. Her name is Ivania and she's a member of the Temple. We had met before but never had the chance to chat. She has a boy who is almost a year old so I took the opportunity to grill her about pregnancy, childbirth, and hippie parenting. She gave me her email and phone number and told me I could call her with any questions I ever have. Awesome.
Bad news is that Spike is still not home. I miss him so much. James and I are having a hard time with our daily tasks (eating, sleeping, working) and have both missed work this week. I have put up hundreds of posters and searched numerous neighbourhoods, shelters, and vets but still no Spike. It has been almost 2 weeks and my heart is breaking. I am not giving up though. He will come home. He has to. xo

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